Bibliografía Canadá y el Pacífico

  • Canadian Military History. Volume 16. Issue 1.Aleutians Allusion: Mackenzie King Diary´s and the Invasion of Kiska in 1943. Galen Roger Perras. University of Ottawa (2007).
  • Canadian Military History. Volume 24. Issue 2. Le Regiment de Hull and Kiska, 1943. Galen Roger Perras. University of Ottawa (2015).
  • Warriors Chiefs. Perspectives on Seniors Canadian Military Leaders. Editado por el Teniente Coronel Bern Horn y Stephen Harris. Dundurn Press. Toronto -Oxford.
  • Osprey Campaign 333. The Aleutians 1942-1943. Struggle for the North Pacific.
  • Osprey Men At Arms 169. The Canadian Army At War.
  • Osprey Men At Arms 359. Canadian Forces at World War Two.
  • Daniel Byers. Zombie Army: The Canadian Army and Conscription in the Second World War. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2016.

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